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This is a six month united adventure of deepening and heightening awareness of The One Self.
The Purpose is not only a program. It is an intentional deep wish to know Thy Self, join in deeper understanding, experience aware states of Mind and develop the inner connection to true Self, your holy companion - The star within.
You undertake this inner journey surrounded by mighty companions in an intimate group with me, Maria, as mentor, teacher, online facilitator and workshop leader.
You are going to need:
The willingness to look within, release and let go of that which stands in the way for Clarity, Truth and the Love you truly are.
This program is a metaphysical journey out of the ordinary. It reveals and rekognizes that we are one unity consciousness. Within it, we are The One awareness of being and The One and The Same primordial Essence of infinite Source energy.
This is not only an experience of The shared identityof One Soul and One Love. It is peace of Mind, joyous gratitude and release of the subconscious thought of guilt, lack and fear surfacing along this conscious choice of expansion.
You are in the receiving end of:
Twelve, 2 hours live online sessions; Lectures with Q & A and workshops each and every week.
Reminders and inspiration in a closed What´s app group.
Two personal in depth sessions. One in the beginning of the course, one towards the ending.
A Purpose Partner along the way of the course with whom you work a little closer.
Mentoring by Maria.
Group sharings and mirroring.
The program involves the activation of:
HCA - Holy Companion Activation
AAA - Awareness Allowance Activation
AUC - Unity Consciousness Activation
FTA - Forgiveness Technology Activation

Book an Appointment
Before we start The Purpose together we book an appointment over the phone (Sweden) or over Zoom (international). This call is for us to make sure this is for you. It is free of charge.
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